LCD Monitors With 98SE Drivers


Aug 17, 2014
I'm not sure if this belongs here or in the monitors section, so I'll try here first.

I have a 98SE system with two Hitachi CM751 19" CRT monitors that have served me well but are getting a bit long in the tooth (in addition to needing 125 W each). I'm looking into replacing them with LCD monitors but a stumbling block is finding some with 98SE drivers. Does anyone have any information about suitable monitors? At the moment I'm thinking of something around 22", 1920x1080, and VGA input. In an early search, I thought that I'd found one by AOC. But when I called their customer support for confirmation, they said no. Ditto NEC. I'm currently looking at new monitors but recognize that I may have to buy used, discontinued products that are old enough to have 98SE drivers. That complicates things slightly as I want two identical monitors. Any comments, help, or recommendations here?
NEC specifically mentions drivers for their LCD monitors here. Note that they say that 9x drivers must be manually installed. That was what prompted me to contact them and be told that none of their current monitors had 98SE drivers. I saw similar things at AOC, called, and was told the same thing there - somewhat incoherently, I sense that they use contracted support.

I use KVM switches to switch between a 98SE and an XP Pro system. Right now on the XP, Device Manager>Monitors>Plug & Play Monitor>Properties says "No driver files are required or have been loaded for this device." I think that the 98SE system may say the same thing but I can't get at it right now. If all I have to do is plug the new monitor in - great. But the manufacturers seem to be saying something else. How do you explain this?

My video card supports up to 1600x1280. I'm currently using 1024x768 and am resisting going beyond 1280x960. It was my impression that I could use the higher resolution monitors and they would "figure it out" as my Hitachi's do now. Is that right?
An old Flat Panel LCD monitor from the early or mid 2000s or using your current one should work no drivers needed (assuming it is plug and play) But that kind of resolution in Windows 98SE I just don't think is possible furthermore if your video card supports less than the resolution you want it is a definite no. Besides if you are just looking for some classic gaming or programs or something a resolution that high is just not necessary. I would go with the older Flat Panel LCD Monitors personally. Now if you were using Windows 98FE then there would be problems.