There is no difference. LED is the backlighting while LCD is the display. LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display, it is in pretty much everything now. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, it is also in most everything.

LED is the backlight to the LCD screen. It used to be a CCRT, Cold Cathode Ray Tube, that provided the back light.

In any case, a LED backlit monitor is going to give the best color and possible brightness.
There is no difference. LED is the backlighting while LCD is the display. LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display, it is in pretty much everything now. LED stands for Light Emitting Diode, it is also in most everything.

LED is the backlight to the LCD screen. It used to be a CCRT, Cold Cathode Ray Tube, that provided the back light.

In any case, a LED backlit monitor is going to give the best color and possible brightness.
You are confusing two different technologies here.

All monitors are LCD. Most (or all) of those same monitors have LED backlighting. The reason for that is that LCD panels do not generate their own light. They have pixels which they change the colors of, but it takes the LED backlights to make the screen show those colors which results in the vibrant displays that we end up seeing.