[SOLVED] League of Legends Ping Issue

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Feb 22, 2022
Hello I am currently having problem with ping in game called league of legends. In my previous house (I recently moved), I had around 60 ping in game. Then after I moved, it was all fine until after few weeks in, my ping started to climb. I tried every troubleshoot I can find in internet. I also called my internet provider to get a technician to fix it for me twice, but none of them worked. My current ping is around 100 to 160.

The weird thing is though, in other games, I get 20 to 30 ping (even in tft, which is included in league of legends client). Only in league of legends, I get this high ping. Anyone knows solution to this?
Key is the ping time must be consistent. It does not matter as much what the actual number is unless it is very high. 100ms is ok 200 in some games makes more difference. It should not have much impact in lol more a very fast game like call of duty.

Ping/latency is caused by 2 different things. First is the distance. Basically this is a number related to the speed of light and the time it takes for the signal to travel from the server and back. You can do very little about the pathing the data takes. It all depends on how different ISP are hooked together and how the fibers run.
The second would be if data is being held in buffers because some segment in the path is overloaded. This tends to cause random spikes not a...
Key is the ping time must be consistent. It does not matter as much what the actual number is unless it is very high. 100ms is ok 200 in some games makes more difference. It should not have much impact in lol more a very fast game like call of duty.

Ping/latency is caused by 2 different things. First is the distance. Basically this is a number related to the speed of light and the time it takes for the signal to travel from the server and back. You can do very little about the pathing the data takes. It all depends on how different ISP are hooked together and how the fibers run.
The second would be if data is being held in buffers because some segment in the path is overloaded. This tends to cause random spikes not a consistent high ping.

In both these cases though you can do nothing. You have no control over any equipment outside your house and you have no control over the path it takes.

The only thing you have control over is the equipment in your house and partially the connection between your house and the ISP. Because you say other games are fine it means these 2 things are likely ok.

First be sure it is actually causing you a problem. Too many people think a higher ping time by itself somehow is making their gameplay bad. Games servers know the latency and how much time it takes data to reach your house. They adjust what they send so that by the time it reaches you it represent what the server
predicts in the conditions when you receive that. The only time this has issues is on very fast shooter type games where 2 different users have highly different ping times. The game artificially delays the person with a faster time to help balance this. It can only fix so much though. If you play with someone in another country
it has a much harder time fixing a 200ms difference.

In the end your only option is to get a different ISP that has a different connection to the game server you like. You might use one of the very special VPN services that have private connections to some of the larger game company data centers. It is very hit and miss. These vpn tend to work better in asia where not all ISP have good
connections to the undersea fibers. In the USA or EU these services tend to not do much. All you can do is try.

BUT before you start be sure you have a actual problem. Just because the number is higher does not mean much on most games.
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