News Leaked Nvidia CEO Memo Assures No Layoffs After Disappointing Q2

While I am no fan of Nvidia, but objectively, I have to say this is good news coming from them (although we cannot be certain how long they will retain their workforce, or, they are using some loopholes where they are quietly letting people off). One way I can think of is not replacing people that left the firm.
"We will exercise extreme collaboration, a hallmark of our culture, finding every opportunity to leverage and reuse. We will find and eliminate all wasted time, process, and material," he wrote. "Take this opportunity to make Nvidia even faster, leaner, and agile."

This is a battle cry off every CFO/CEO. While waste exists, after a while, pressure to cutback comes at the cost of product quality.

This is why Samsung refrigerators and washing machines are complete and total crap. Their washing machine tub spider was continuously cutback and made thinner, with steel outsourced to China. This entire spider assembly will crack after a couple years, costing at least a couple hundred to fix (IF YOU CAN GET PARTS) Their compressors on the fridge are PRONE to failure. They just burn out, despite the warranty claims. And getting them to honor the warranty is near impossible as it doesn't cover the specific failure they are known for.