Learn From the U.S. Military's Mistake: Update Your Router Password

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So what your saying is under O out military was so under funded they could only afford Netgear routers? Not enterprise grade devices Cisco / Juniper, etc?
I chimed in on this one over at Dark Reading, but in defense of the military I'd like to add that we often aren't privy to all the details. On some of the InfoSec forums folks who've been there (potentially where the hardware was actually situated) note that non-military hardware is sometimes used when infrastructure failures are encountered, but placed not by the soldiers but by contractors hired to maintain systems. So, in short, you're probably looking at broken process here. Shodan and Carna, and others like them, have been around for a while and I urge folks who are concerned about the current status of their own hardware to maybe take a peek on Shodan to make sure you're not one of the systems getting bookmarked by low-techs looking for an easy hack.
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