Learning everything about computers


Jan 13, 2007
I would appreciate if anyone could recommend me any books about the how-to's of computers; for example, building, customizing, programming, linux, languages, and web construction. I have free time in the summer and really would like to learn as much as I can.

I would go to the trouble of buying random books at Barnes and Nobles, but I could be just buying flukes.

Thank you in advance
i found a bunch of books in the library that was really helpful 2 me. for example, i tried out the computers for dummies, something like that and it told me everything i needed 2 no. u dont have 2 go around and spending all ur money on the books. they might not even work!!! if u really want 2 talk 2 me personal, u can email me at themcdonaled@yahoo.com. btw im derek, 13 yrs old + not a nerd lol.