Led on Motherboard but no boot. [Troubleshooting]


Jan 9, 2015
Hey guys,

So I just recently started a build. Here is the Build:


I decided to do an out of the case build before I put it in the case to make sure everything was working. Put everything together and pluged in the two power cords to the mobo and one to the graphics card. When power gets to the mobo, a white led is on on the graphics card. When I short the power pins, right next to the power pins a blue light comes on, however the white light goes off. When I stop shorting the power pins it reverses. No screen comes up on screen, no fans start, no sounds come out of the speaker I have hooked up the back of the mobo in the green port.

Has anyone had this problem or know any steps to take to figure it out?

If not where can I get help??? Is there a store somewhere in Torornto???


Nothing. The fan for the ps does not span and the cpu cooler also doesn't spin!
Connect the green PWR ON with the black GND pins:
did you plug the 6pin and the 8pin PCIe connector into the graphics card too?

Check the cpu socket of the mainboard if the Pins are bent or shortened or grey/black colored

The Mainboard supports the 4690k since BIOS version 1.2, if the BIOS currently is older, this could be the problem.

Had Graphics Card plugged in too, Checked cpu, no bent pins, how do I check/update BIOS? I did the battery rest thing no luck.

Going to try paperclip when I get home.
Then try testing the board outside the case, for ruling out a short.
Leave only CPU and CPU fan installed, both 24 and 8 pin power cables connected. See if the fan does spin when shorting the 2 pins.

Edit: Ah, board is already out of the case. Then... faulty motherboard, I'd say.