Left out of Memory when partitioned with 20 GB for OS


Oct 20, 2012
I partitioned my HDD with 20gb for OS and the rest for downloads docs music, Now I don´t have more space in my 20 GB partition since Windows consumed it all, How can I clear this space with Temporal folders, updates of windows,etc , AND/OR move them to the other partition wich I have clearly much space left and I will be able to clear them better knowing where they are.

I researched and got to the idea that with the environment variables I can link tmp files to the other partition but my question is in general wich paths should I create in the new partition, and use mklink command also or should I leave more space for the OS partition instead of 20 GB so I don´t get a problem when some programs ask me for temporary space My harddrive is of 320 GB as a note.
Leaving 20gb of space for the OS was crazy , that's not nearly enough space for the OS to function. With a 320gb hard drive why didn't you leave more space ? Like 50gb or 75gb ?
You can go into disk management and take the partition and extend it , it will let you choose an amount to extend it to and it will be limited to a certian amount.
You right click on computer and select manage and then disk management and then the drives will be shown with the partitions and if you right click on the OS partition you can then select extend the partition.
Hi :)

20 GB is NOWHERE NEAR enough space for 7...

Think more like 100 gb.... although there is NO reason to partition....

Either reinstall 7 again and format your drive to the whole 320

Or... Use Partition Magic (not free) to make your 20 gb partition bigger...

All the best Brett :)
Leaving 20gb of space for the OS was crazy , that's not nearly enough space for the OS to function. With a 320gb hard drive why didn't you leave more space ? Like 50gb or 75gb ?
You can go into disk management and take the partition and extend it , it will let you choose an amount to extend it to and it will be limited to a certian amount.
You right click on computer and select manage and then disk management and then the drives will be shown with the partitions and if you right click on the OS partition you can then select extend the partition.

There are tools within Windows to resize partitions, there's no need to buy third party applications.

Such as?

Or even if you're going to use 3rd party then Gparted is free.
Thanks for the information, I really didn´t know why I partitioned like that my drive, this is the first time I partition my drive for personal use, I didn´t take all the variables I have to see before partitioning with such a small size, I guess I´ll use the whole harddrive since I don´t plan on changing OS right now.
Greets to all.