Legacy Hardware: Do I change the TIM after 10 years?


Jul 21, 2016
So, I recently took possession of both of my family's old core 2 duo systems to tinker with (play XP games on one, play around with Linux on the other).

While running some much needed cleaning software I found that under full load the core Temps were reaching 82-83c. Doing a little research I found that both chips (E4500 and E7200) are not soldered. Apparently Tjmax on these chips is 85c or 100c, conflicting accounts make it either or.

So what I am asking is, do I delid and change the paste or do I just let them run out? Would it be worth it to just upgrade the coolers to sink more heat, or will that not matter? Since the chips are so cheap now, would it be worth the money to purchase a couple soldered chips? These aren't my only machines, just machines for playing and tinkering. Any thoughts or suggestions will be met with thanks and consideration.
I'd suggest that you take apart the laptops and change the thermal paste. Also, take apart the fan assembly and clean out all the dust. That should take care of the temp issue.