Legendary items in Diablo 3?


Jun 5, 2010
Where and how do you find "legendary" items in Diablo 3?

These are similar to unique items in Diablo 2. They all have preset stats and attributes.
Legendaries are random drops. This means they can be better or worse than Magic or Rare items. The classification of items (into Magic, Rare, or Legendary) is based on the number of stats that they grant. For example, armor that has Strength, Dexterity, Gold Find, and Magic Find would be classified as Magic since it has four stats. If it also had Intelligence on it then it would have five stats and would be classified as Rare. I don't remember the number of stats for each level of classification, however, this is essentially how things are broken down into different rarity groups.

As previously mentioned, there are also craftable items that are categorized as legendaries. To craft these you need to get a pattern to drop and then...
They drop in all acts, just as any other item. There are also recipes that you can "teach" to the smithing trainer, then you can craft them. Nothing really special about alot of them, and from what I have seen, the crafted ones still have their set stats and also have +2 Random Magic stats. That likely veries with the legendarys.
Legendaries are random drops. This means they can be better or worse than Magic or Rare items. The classification of items (into Magic, Rare, or Legendary) is based on the number of stats that they grant. For example, armor that has Strength, Dexterity, Gold Find, and Magic Find would be classified as Magic since it has four stats. If it also had Intelligence on it then it would have five stats and would be classified as Rare. I don't remember the number of stats for each level of classification, however, this is essentially how things are broken down into different rarity groups.

As previously mentioned, there are also craftable items that are categorized as legendaries. To craft these you need to get a pattern to drop and then teach it to your blacksmith. Alternatively you can buy them on the auction house from other players that have found the patterns and crafted them.

I have not been able to find a single legendary item and I've played through the game several times already.

I've only found one. A level 42 quiver. I've played through all four acts of normal with 3 characters, one of which I have played through Nightmare and Hell as well. So that's 5 play throughs (2 on higher difficulties) as well as some time played on other characters that I haven't cleared normal yet. Needless to say, they don't drop often. :)