Uhmm, consoles I mean PS4 or Xbox One. The Nintendo systems were never really considered because they are way underpowered in comparison to PS4/PC/X1. That said, as you need just a single screen, and don't want to muss alot with Power Supply demands, risk rewiring / shorting / breaking something, as I suggested, the easiest is just a i5 Based PC, buy a 1050Ti (doesn't require a power upgrade) unscrew case, install, and your able to game as your asking for though NOT Game's MAXIMUM GRAPHICS.
For that you need a Gamer's Rig, which then your looking over $700 and upwards. Again you can go for a i5 Based one, there is prebuilts, and I would suggest a 1060 to cut down price, but normally people investing in 1080s, skipping the 1070. That means a serious power supply (over 650W) and installation.
There is several magazines you can check for, or shop online, with those base items in them, and you can shop from there. Most will also (as Gamer's Rigs) be SSD on C drive for the Base OS and then 1+TB for D drive for the game installations since they take up the most. If you get a prebuilt it will cost you near $1000+ for those systems, but they are all warrantied, etc. to work 'right out of the box'.
If you want to build it yourself, you can get the same parts cheaper, best shopping tool is www.pcpartpicker.com but YOUR ON YOUR OWN. If you frag something they won't let you "exchange" for another, you have to pay out of pocket for a whole new part. Further you need to breadboard it slowly before actually even getting to Windows installation to make sure the hardware all working to at least POST. Again this is all covered in CompTIA A+ and some nice videos on Egghead.com There isn't much short cut or reach out, so it is high risk for noobs to building, but you can learn alot more and feel accomplished you built it yourself, as well as shave a few hundred here or there sometimes.