lenova headset vr problems

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Nov 15, 2018
Hello people, hopefully someone can help , I bought a Lenova Mixed reality headset and have spent the last 10 hours trying to get it past the "updating firmware" screen in mixed reality setup in Windows 10.

Lets see what Ive tried...

my pc will run it fine, the only thing I dont have is a bluetooth controller as im only going to use this for race mostly, and maybe some FPS shooters.

updated ALL drivers and windows updates.

updated graphics drivers

changed registry so it actually would allow an update.

it installed updates in a purple screen, then after a restart, it goes to mixed reality black set up screen and "updating firmware"

I have left the update for 2 hours with no success. im currently trying and overnight update, so that should allow 8 hours while Im asleep

I have installed the firmware manually as well.

Ive tried a CMD commands to allow updates to work and override so I can update windows.

Ive tried removing several security updates.

Ive looked at youtube videos and tried several work arounds.

I dont really want to do new reinstall of win 10, as its only a few weeks old. (i did fresh install before trying to get a DK2 working and that failed)

theres no anti virus software.

Im at wits end.

Anyone got any ideas please?
System specs? I've not run into any problems with updates. I just got my new system up and running a couple weeks ago (see specs in my sig block) and haven't had any issues aside from the Mixed Reality Portal auto starting every time I browse to a web site with embedded video.

-Wolf sends
Hello and thanks,
its AMD x8350, 16 gig ram, RX 580 8 gig card. Win 10 pro 64 bit
As of today I got the mixed reality platform working and the headset is recognised in device manager, so thats a start, now im stuck on the headset screens will not wake up, they are lit up but no graphics on display and im unable to switch between desktop and headset.
so at least some progress after 3 days.
any ideas? ived reupdated everythingm, and ive tried to set the headset up, but cameras do not seem to be working or im doing something wrong, not sure, it says point headset at computer, however, im pointing it at the screen as thats where im looking
theres no controllers with it as i intend to use it for racing games.
kindest regards, David
Well, the system is more than capable of handling the hardware. I've never tried running the system without the Bluetooth controllers. Is your system bluetooth capable?

The screwy part in all this, and why I ended up building a new system, is that Windows Mixed Reality (WMR) requires a processor that uses the AVX instructions. Not to worry, your FX 8350 has this instruction set. They are, essentially, what allows the controllers to work with the headset. I would have thought that if I weren't using the controllers, I wouldn't need a processor that supports that instruction set (I was running an older Core I5-760).

I'm wondering if you're running into a similar situation where Bluetooth is required even if you're not using it.

What happens when you start up the Windows Mixed Reality Portal application?

-Wolf sends
Hi there, interestingly enough since putting in a usb dongle bluetooth, I actually got the portal to display a virtual desktop. I did try removing the bluetooth, but when the virtual desktop starts, I still get a virtual controller on screen. I can use developer mode for portal and turn this off manually.
So I dont really need bluetooth dongle, but I suspect it helped to some extent. It might be just needed.
When I start the portal, it says "input is being directed to desktop, press win y to switch to headset. I put on headset and press win y and wait a bit...nothing.
display stays on desk top but i can navigate with keyboard and mouse
in device manager, before I got it to get to this stage, it was stuck in firmware update, and in device manager, under mixed reality devices it would show hololenses.
now since display is working on screen, under mixed reality, it shows "perception simulation headset" and sometimes
lenova headset" depends on how it feels 😀
Im going to get a display to hdmi adapter today to see if that helps, in case teh hdmi or even the dvi to hdmi is not liked by the headset.
However, if you have any thoughts, please feel free to add them.
Just tried something, I manually installed hololenses drivers, hololsense driver and it changed from perception headset to hololenses in device manager and now portal is asking me to connect a headset, so obviously ive done something to change it as now it does not show a virtual desktop.
this IS interesting......

I just let windows install drives for hololenses and it now comes up as perception simulation headset. portal is running but no virtual diplay, just the rotaing balls on screen to indicate its doing something, I press win y and nothing changes.
portal says its perception simulation headset is connected but not working.

oh it gets better
after I typed my previous reply, I thought id give it a shot, low and behold. the sensors work and im able to move the on screen picture vr hpuse, but it does not display in the headset, in this case no lenses were actually showing but the cameras were working.
turned off everything and went out to see to kids
came home, turned on the pc and sure enough..IT STOPPED WORKING!!!
so ive been trying to check everything in device manager, hololenses show up, lenova headset shows up, but going to the portal, it now tells me to plug the device into a suitable usb port, even though it already was.
dunno now, ive uninstalled and reinstalled mixed reality portal, reinstalled usb drivers, updated EVERYTHING.
got me stuffed.
im about to plug everything in and leave it all on for a few hours while I go out and see if windows sorts itself out
its been 4 days now and various issues.
the motherboard is asus m5a99x evo r2.0 and Ive updated all drivers on the as well.
will just leave it to see if it does anything
cheers, David
funny enough i found the usb drivers were 0.96 microsoft and for some reason, they got deleted and standard usn drivers installed. Ive tried on a PCI card and off the motherboard, im unable to install the microsoft drivers as it simply will not install them.
got it running....but...
it keeps dropping out asmedia usb3.0 extensible host controller (microsoft) 0.96 driver. Ive uninstalled all 3 drivers and deleted the files, then let window reinstall only for one of the 3 to stop again.
Hello and thanks, yes Ive done all that, theres no actual motherbaord update, only USB, of which I have updated.
After some more investigation, it seems Asus motherbaords, of which I have, give issues for As media driver support when it comes to VR. Dammit. Im looking for another brand motherboard now to see if I can still use my older FX8350 and DDR3 ram.
Im still investigating ways to possible get around this
cheers, David.

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