fwattus :
When I connect my Lenovo laptop to tv vis HDM1 the tv says no source?
Hello, fwattus.
Please try a few things:
(1) First make sure you have identified the correct HDMI channel on the TV -- using the TVmenu or the TV remote, there should be a button marked "Source"; press this until "HDMI" or "HDMI 1" appears on screen, and it is connected to your laptop, which is powered ON.
Use the Fn button combination to DUPLICATE the laptop screen onto the external display.
WAIT a minute to see if the TV picks it up.
IF NOT, press the "Source" button AGAIN and look for "HDMI 2", and on through the sources until you've completed one round. MAKE SURE TO GIVE THE TV TIME to pick up a signal; and the laptop time to send one.
(2) Try switching to a DIFFERENT HDMI INPUT on the TV.
Use the TV remote again, and press "Source", slowly going through the list again until you find the right connection.
Always be sure your Laptop is in DUPLICATE display mode, so you can most easily check against your laptop.
(3) If going through the available TV INPUTS does not solve this problem, get a hold of A DIFFERENT HDMI CABLE, and start again, going through the TVs INPUTs. This aims to test if the first HDMI cable may have been faulty.
IF a SECOND HDMI cable produces no results for connecting with external display, consider TWO things:
(a) the quality of BOTH your HDMI cables were poor? OR
(b) your Laptop's HDMI port is damaged / inoperative?
(4) Get a VGA CABLE - many TVs still have a VGA IN port as well. Presuming your Laptop also has a VGA OUT.
NOTE that VGA WILL NOT transmit AUDIO like HDMI; you will need a separate stereo male-to-male cable, and either connect the Laptop headphones out to a TV audio in or "Line in", or connect the audio to another Audio Machine, eg an Amplifier, if you require AUDIO to come from speakers external to your Laptop.
Connect your Laptop to the TV via VGA. Make sure to check the DISPLAY SHARING SETTING on the Laptop, and again be sure to choose DUPLICATE for the sake of trouble-shooting here.
A VGA connection most often needs to be "pre-connected" BEFORE a computer is powered on.
With the TV Remote, this time you want to press the Source button and look for "PC" or "VGA" or "RGB".
With any and each instance of these, stay on that Source for about 1 minute, to give time for signals.
The aim here is to establish that the Laptop's VIDEO OUT can actually work via VGA, at the very least, AND that your TV is able to detect the signal on the INCOMING VGA PORT, displaying the signal on the VGA / PC / RGB Source (channel).
If this SUCCEEDS, consider again how else you can "test" or "check" the HDMI connection.
If your Laptop is 2nd hand, check the Laptop's HDMI port for any DAMAGE, including bent or missing connector pin contacts. Check the ends of all your HDMI Cables as well.
IF your HDMI cables are NOT "gold" (plated), then the quality of the signal may be poor. Consider getting better HDMI cables.
If your HDMI cables are not "new", and have significant BENDS or KINKS in the cable, they may be DAMAGED and unable to transmit signals from the Laptop to the TV. Consider getting new HDMI cables.
If you finally manage to get a PICTURE from your Laptop to the TV, via HDMI, and you have NO SOUND, check:
(1) Laptop sound volume level
(2) TV audio volume level
(3) both ends of the HDMI cable are FULLY SEATED in BOTH PORTS - Laptop and TV.
Make sure to check with your TV's MANUAL for the MAXIMUM RESOLUTION supported for HDMI mode.
Change the display sharing from the Laptop to "EXTEND".
Then RIGHT-click anywhere on a BLANK area of Desktop, and select "Screen Resolution".
In the representative window ("Change the appearance of your displays"), CLICK AND DRAG one or the other screen around, to represent the LAYOUT you require. IF you are NOT SURE which screen is which, use the IDENTIFY button to the right.
Be sure to click on the numbered screen representing your TV, before changing ANY settings for resolution etc.
Once you have done that, click on the box next to "Resolution" -- choose any reasonable resolution UP TO but NEVER MORE THAN the Maximum HDMI resolution the TV is capable of displaying / supporting..!!
Check that the "Multiple displays" box says "Extend these displays", if you want to use BOTH displays as two parts of a LARGER "desktop" space. For GAMERS, this can afford the opportunity to put many games screens onto the TV, and keep a system screen, e.g. Steam, or a Browser, etc, in the Laptop screen.
For MOVIES, you can use "Duplicate" or a "Show .. only" option, to put a FILM on ONE screen or BOTH (with Duplicate).