Lenovo y40-80 or ASUS g46vw? Please help!

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Jun 10, 2013
Hello everyone, I need some help with what to buy. I have decided between two laptops one is an ASUS rog g46vw and the other is a Lenovo y40-80. I can't decide which one will be better? Both are the same price and I am able to buy either tomorrow. Please anyone who has experience with these, which one is the better buy manufacturer wise and quality wise? Thank you. If you want more details just ask!
I7 5500u + R9-M275 vs an i5-3250m + GTX660M

Both mid-range GPUs, but the Lenovo is about 3 years newer. Still going to have to go with that one. (retails for $650).
ASUS would probably win in a quality war. Lenovo makes some of the cheapest, decent, laptops out there. I have a Y410P myself.

That ASUS computer is quite a bit older then the Lenovo, if I am looking at the right models. Hard to say without direct links. Quite a few configuration options available for both.

If it is the 5th gen Lenovo vs the 3rd gen Asus, then I would pick the Lenovo for the battery life.

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