News Lenovo's grenade-styled external SSD looks certain to delay you at airport security

Taking it to the airport? Total stupidity.

Based on the TSA’s annual confiscation list, I’d put the likelihood at 100% gets carried on and 80% chance it’s only detected after passing through US customs and gets caught in a country with more diligent security — and hopefully stiffer penalties.
It is one of the yearly stupidity design and user error on my list... designing such gimmick and purchasing is one thing, trying to go on any plane is as dumb as it is possible... unless one enjoys messing up the trip for the whole plane worth of passengers...
very tone deaf on the part of Lenovo... I mean muricans love their arms.... but....
if you carry this through airport security, then you deserve every delay you encounter

Based on the TSA’s annual confiscation list, I’d put the likelihood at 100% gets carried on and 80% chance it’s only detected after passing through US customs and gets caught in a country with more diligent security — and hopefully stiffer penalties.
Stiffer penalties for what? It's totally legal. All you'd have to do is tell the security agent and place it in the tray with your laptop. Total non-issue.