Less Expensive GPUs Are Hiding In External Graphics Docks

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U dont really respect gamers huh? Seriously dude, miners should've just use the actual miner gpu, not a GTX card. Such a silly writer

By saying miners shouldn't use a GTX card you are basically saying they should only use a Geforce 1030 GT or another GT card from a different generation.

This makes you sound like a sillyposter.

Not enough miner only graphics cards are produced due to Nvidia/AMD/other manufacturers not wanting to be stuck with them in case the cryptomining fad dies next week.

Much easier to play it safe, reap double profit margins and not be stuck with useless inventory.

Well, people who had bunch of money after reading this they can easily make it sold out. Miners these days aren't like kittens dude. They're a bunch of tigers now. Who're greed of themself. After they done with mining and then sell those cards in aftermarket? So other gamer can buy a used artefacts gpu?
Can you mine from multiple external GPUs over USB?

Maybe the best thing would be to convince miners to switch over to these (with the advantage of each one having a dedicated PSU and cooling), then maybe some gaming cards will be left over for the rest of us.

What would be most interesting is if a company starts making USB-only mining cards instead of PCI-E. Manufacturers could then manufacture those boards in higher quantities because they would ideal for both crypto and for less-expensive external docks as they eliminate the need for PCI to USB conversion.
For lower-end (<100W) boards they could even do power+data over a single USB-C connection.

I guess you don't get out much. Miners are using GTX cards (along with AMD Vega based ones) and the writer is simply intelligent enough to acknowledge this truth. You on the other hand....

I bought 4 Geforce 1060s 6GB for $320 each a few months ago.

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.


That electric bill will definitely cut in those profits.

P.S. I just bought 200 Titan V cars. Which will be making me $10,000 a month. What is the point of my P.S. to show you have dumb your comment is and how much nobody really cares.
x16 GTX1080Ti cards?

So what happens if mining profitability tanks in a month?
You spent what, $20K for those cards in total?

USED price will plummet when the market gets flooded to maybe as low as $500 per card.

Meaning you might PROFIT if things last long enough or lose as much as $10K after selling cards used.
This sucks. It's intended to help the gamers that are overwhelmed by the prices, yet miners will just look at it as an opportunity, which is a double-edged sword.

You seem to care enough to comment to the guy. Same reply to you as the reply to the next quote...

Don't feed the trolls.

Did you even read my post? ... #Solar #Wind #GeothermalCooling

I get the feeling that someone you guys here seems to have a strong sense to entitlement. Being a gamer does not mean that you are entitled to buy the graphics card at the price you want. This is a free market. Anyone is free to buy these cards for any purpose. Prices obviously fluctuates due to supply and demand. Unless you are telling me there is some form of price fixing (like dram industry back then), I dont see anything wrong.
Ok, first of all, this is solid info for someone DESPERATE to locate a GPU. So don't take this critique as a critique of the content.

But I think the real story is NO ONE should be bothering to buy a new GPU or even computer until those prices come down. Frankly, they industry needs to find a solution to this mining problem ASAP, else the CPU and MB manufacturers will see a sharp decline in sales. There needs to be more anger in the press about the GPU manufacturers profiteering from this situation at the expense of the industry as a whole.
I see mining as a ponzi scheme. In all descriptions it sais the difficulty increases as more transactions are made. Since more users means more transactions, difficulty will increase exponentialy. Except for the fact that you don't put money directly (and you keep your investment), everything screams of ponzi scheme.

At one point the market will get saturated, where too much time is spent/unit and/or selling offers will drop (didn't steam ban bitcoin?). At that point, GPU makers will be hit hard, as 2nd hand cards will flood the market.

GPU makers have already made their money when they sold their graphics cards to wholesale distributors.

The people that will get hit hard are the wholesale distributors who may be stuck with a warehouse full of graphics that they can only sell at a steep discount.

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