LGA 775 CPU Upgrade E8400 To X3363


Apr 13, 2013
I'm looking to possibly upgrade my CPU to give some new life into my dated rig. Hoping to hold me over for a couple more years. This is my current setup:

Dell Optiplex 760 SFF
E8400 @ 3.00 GHz, 1.1v via RMClock
4 x 2GB PC-6400 DDR2
235w H235P-00 Power Supply (12v @ 17a)
OEM low profile HD 7570 1GB GDDR5
512GB 7200RPM WD HDD
L196WTQ 1440x900 @ 60Hz

I was able to get my hands on a low profile HD 7750, so that should shave off a few watts (planning on undervolting too). Does anyone know if this power supply will be able to handle an undervolted x3363 (at least down to 1.1v)? Or if I should hold out until I can upgrade in a couple years? From what I've gathered it sounds like an x3363 would use less power than an x3360/Q9550 (65w variant is too expensive 🙁).

I'll be using this desktop for the rest of college with some light gaming on the side. Some programs/games I'll be using/playing are: MS Excel, MiniTab, SPSS, Skyrim, Fallout (various), and Minecraft.

I know a 771 to 775 sticker mod would be needed.

Thanks in advance
Both x3360 and x3363 are socket LGA 775. The x3363 specifications don't specify the socket but the Code Name is the same as the x3360 (Yorkfield) and different sockets have different Code Names. Where did you get that info on x3363 being socket 771?

The data sheet doesn't specify the x3363 voltage either but the specifications are the same and the voltage range must equally be the same 0.8500V -to-1.3625V. So, the answer to your question must be yes... if any socket 775 CPU can run on 1.1v the x3363 will run on that.

The E8400 is not so good for gaming. The Card is not so fast either so any of the faster CD2's or Xeon's should do much better... Any CPU above ACM 4000 should...
The X3363 is a server CPU... it seems to have the specifications to be supported by your motherboard but there are Core2 Quads or Core2 Extreemes that would be better options. I'm not sure if this would be an issue, but server CPUs use ECC RAM (PCs use Non ECC) and the x3360 CPU may need ECC RAM and that would increase your expense. Besides it's voltage is not specified as you can see for yourself, so you can't be sure it would work on your motherboard.

These Core2 Duos/Quads are perfectly compatible with your motherboard and are 65watters like your CPU. Prices were initially higher but by now they may be much lower. The one I would select would be that with the higher number of processing die transistors while retaining the 65W consumption rate. That's the Intel Core2 Quad Processor Q9550S.


Here is the complete list of Core2 Desktop CPUs in case you want to make your own comparison.

Thanks for the response. The X3363 isn't directly supported by the motherboard physically due to the pinout, but I plan to mod the socket if needed (link 1: www.overclock.net/t/1431723/mod-lga775-support-for-lga771-xeon-cpus, link 2: www.delidded.com/lga-771-to-775-adapter/). As far as I'm aware Socket T motherboards determine what kind of RAM is supported because the memory controller is off die, so any compatible CPU should be fine running unbuffered Non-ECC RAM.

I'm going the used CPU route and am fairly familiar with pricing for C2D, C2Q, and 771/775 Xeon CPUz. What sucks is I don't have funds for more than about $50 currently, and all of the 65w variants (Q9550s, Q9450s, Q9505s, L3360) are too spendy 🙁

The Q43 chipset wouldn't allow for any of the 54XX series xeons either. Not sure if an E8600 would provide enough of a boost vs. the E8400.
I doubt you need to modify the Intel Xeon X3363... it's a Socket LGA775 CPU.

Intel® Xeon® Processor X3360

The Q43 chipset supports 1333Mhz CPUs and your E8400 is a 1333Mhz CPU and so are those I set up for comparison. I don't think you have to modify or worry about chipset support.

Intel® Q43 Express Chipset

The E8600 would only be a 12% improvement from the E8400.

The X3363 is a Socket J (LGA 771) CPU with an 80w TDP, the X3360 is the Socket T (LGA 775) CPU with a 95w TDP. My main question still stands: will this power supply be able to handle an undervolted x3363 down to 1.1v?

Or should this thread be moved to a better location?

On a side note, I did get that low profile HD 7750 installed and Skyrim fully taxes the CPU at ~65% gpu usage :)
Both x3360 and x3363 are socket LGA 775. The x3363 specifications don't specify the socket but the Code Name is the same as the x3360 (Yorkfield) and different sockets have different Code Names. Where did you get that info on x3363 being socket 771?

The data sheet doesn't specify the x3363 voltage either but the specifications are the same and the voltage range must equally be the same 0.8500V -to-1.3625V. So, the answer to your question must be yes... if any socket 775 CPU can run on 1.1v the x3363 will run on that.

The E8400 is not so good for gaming. The Card is not so fast either so any of the faster CD2's or Xeon's should do much better... Any CPU above ACM 4000 should handle it. Check the Average CPU Marks.

Intel Core2 Duo E8400 @ 3.00GHz

Intel Xeon X3360 @ 2.83GHz

Intel Xeon X3363 @ 2.83GHz

Skyrim System Requirements

Can You Run It?

There's information on Wikipedia here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yorkfield#Yorkfield_CL and some non-wiki here http://www.cpu-world.com/CPUs/Xeon/Intel-Xeon%20X3363%20-%20EU80584KJ073N%20-%20AT80584KJ073N.html and here http://www.delidded.com/list-of-intel-lga-771-xeon-processors/.

Do you have an idea what kind of power draw I could expect to have when it's undervolted? That's my main concern with the power supply that's installed. I completely agree with you on how well the E8400 can game, especially with what's out there today. MiniTab and SPSS are the other two (main) programs going to be ran. I'm not sure how they scale across multiple cores vs. clockspeed.

The HD 7750 handles Skyrim fairly well, it scores high/very high on the system requirements page. The CPU requirement for recommended gameplay is a bit vague too, only because there aren't any minimum clock rates which makes knowing how much of a difference there is between an E8400 and say a Q9450s.

I'm undervolting instead of underclocking. I've knocked ~15C off of load temps so far doing this :) You're right, underclocking doesn't do much in the way of reducing power draw, but undervolting does.

Undervolting does not affect too much the power usage, not in a significant way at least. Change your psu if you want to use a more power hungry cpu.
I noticed the X3363's Code Name is Yorkfield-CL and on Wikipedia you can see that Code Names for socket 775 are Yorkfield and Yorkfield-6M and socket 771 are Yorkfield-CL and Yorkfield XE... so it appears that the information on the ark.intel website on the X3363 is wrong as classified as a "Yorkfield". But I wonder if that type of mistakes are possible on Intel specifications, and if it's not the other way around and unofficial information is what's really wrong. Thinking it over, the ark info on the x3363 is incomplete so that may indicate someone at ark.intel got careless, confused or got the wrong info.

The CPU recommended requirement for Skyrim are sort of vague.. but you can elaborate on it.
At uesp.net their info is:
Minimum System Requirements:
Processor: Intel Dual Core 2.0GHz or equivalent processor (AMD Sempron @ 2.4 GHz).
Semprons from 2011 when Skyrim came out, were single cores and some dual cores and these would register 700's to 1200's on the benchmarks.. so you don't need much of a CPU for low frame rates. Your E8400 should handle Skyrim on low to medium frame rates.

Recommended System Requirements:
Processor: Quad-core; Intel or AMD
This means the recommended CPUs were from the Intel 1st gen 1156 socket and AMD AM3. And the AMD AM3 Athlons were not so different from the Core 2 Duos, so any C2Q's should handle the game well.


You'd be suprised how much undervolting just the CPU affects system power consumption: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/undervolt-cpu-phenom,2348-7.html

I can't change my PSU either because it's proprietary and not ATX or Flex ATX standard :/ Darn SFF case.