LGA1155 i7-4770s? intel QC fail?


Dec 17, 2013
i have i7-4770s that is a LGA1155, atleast according to backplate, obviously this is wrong but is this even possible for it to pass QC being wrong socket?

There are no LGA 1155 i7-4770 CPUs. They are all socket 1150. Very unlikely that Intel made the mistake since they never made any such product.

Where did you order the CPU from and what motherboard did you order?

All of the specific information on each checks out according to CPU World data for each CPU. How about you flip them over and see that they are the correct sockets as they should be.

I bought cpu from Rakuten, ie buy.com, and I took to frys to confirm socket. Called intel to verify batch# and SN. both are correct.
Very interesting, I'm sure that Intel will take care of that ASAP.

I would be interested if someone changed the cover to sell it for more, i.e. not an Intel error, but a counterfeit product. I'm sure that they will follow up on that. I would stick it into an 1155 board and run CPU-Z to find out what the heck it really is under there.

idk how hard it would be to remove the plate or to buff and laser inscribe, but i imagine not very easy. on top of that the box and stickers are all correct, and the serial number and batch number checked out. Intel said they will replace with a close cpu, but they have kind of been stalling
I would not expect that it is a one off thing, but a commercial level counterfeiting operation somewhere that lots of electronics are made.

A close CPU sounds fair, an i7-4770K seems reasonable for your trouble and if they balk tell them that pictures of this will end up everywhere, not to mention that they operate in California where class action lawsuits are very easy to get going -- and there are lots of lawyers not that busy nowadays.

intel has agreed to replace with exactly same cpu, they said that this has ever only happened once before and that was "a long time ago", sent them pictures and they seemed more accommodating.

I did install into a 1155 and it was a celeron, makes it seem like counterfeit but on the other hand I bought from buy.com and SN and batch# were correct. after i sent them the picture they seemed more polite, which leads me to assume that it is near impossible to counterfeit with good numbers and package and head stamp
LOL, counterfeiting is no big deal for a large company in China -- the fact that it is a Celeron tells me that it is highly likely a counterfeit product.


agreed, but then when i looked up if anyone else has had this problem i couldn't find anything. all i found was the newegg incident. im assume that if there was an organization counterfeiting haswells there would be a flood of them and it would be all over the forums, and the fact intel said that this has happened once before make me think that it is just a QC problem