Is this a problem that is routine enough that you expect all PC cases to address it?
Answer to King V: Yes I do think in general side vents are a bad idea. They are popular for random
Gamer PC from local store! "Look it has a side vent. It must be better!"
Everyone who responds to this seems to hate the idea a side vent is a bad in general. In my OP I explained in detail. However other posters never seem to explain why, you only tell me
what and
how to drink near a PC.
deesider did his best by explaining what to do after a drink spill. Thanks
escksu mentioned how it wouldn't work without a vent.
without those vents, the GPU will overheat due to lack of ventilation.
This case has fans on bottom and top so its an upward flow case. It does look cramped inside so that might be the reason for the side vent. Good reason, but most cases out there just had a side vent because they can and it looks cool, no airflow reason.
thunderbuddy just wanted to release his hate on me:
First of all, you shouldn't have any liquids anywhere near your PC
Captain Obvious strikes again! Like 98% of the people using PCs would have to stop if that rule was followed. Relax thundergirl, telling me not to drink soda pop does nothing to help the conversation. If yelling hateful things at me makes you relax then go for it, knock yourself out. After your done look back at my pic, I'm still smiling.