Question Limiting Available Memory to dwm.exe | Stopping Process Memory Hogging


Mar 29, 2022
In short I've consistently had an issue where the more I use my PC (with 32GBs) it will slowly use more memory (until overall usage gets to around 97%/98% memory usage) and if I end a process it will take the memory that process was using.
Dwm (Desktop Window Manager) for some reason likes to take a ton of memory 8GB - 12GB even if I don't have many windows/apps open at once and I'm rarely even active on AT MOST 3/4 Windows at once (so... active on 1 app with 2 other Windows on a separate monitor used for System Monitoring - Task Manager and HWinfo Sensors Overview).
I have read from a post on SuperUser someone used this line in a program could ProcessGovernor:
procgov --maxmem 40M your_app.exe
(I'd assume for Desktop Window Manager itd be - procgov --maxmem 40M dwm.exe)
However I am not 100% that if I limit memory available to DWM to stop the unreasonable memory hogging that DWM has been doing conversely affect performance?
that app wont work on system apps
you can right click on task manager and close DWM, that will cause black screen for a short while until DWM restarts itself, that will clear its memory footprint

as for high ram usage on DWM, run windows update and run DDU and update your graphic card drivers, if you have enabled igpu (integrated graphic in cpu), update its drivers aswell
other than that, use feedback hub to report windows problems