K Khalid_mack Reputable Jan 19, 2016 1 0 4,510 Jan 19, 2016 #1 As the windows boot it start showing lines and boxes. in moniter when using graphic card but not when i use motherboard to connect to moniter.I am using ASUS GeForce 750ti
As the windows boot it start showing lines and boxes. in moniter when using graphic card but not when i use motherboard to connect to moniter.I am using ASUS GeForce 750ti
FXingSerious Honorable Jan 15, 2016 132 1 10,765 Jan 19, 2016 #2 Can you provide your system specs? What kind of power supply do you have? Upvote 0 Downvote
N Nerijus_1 Reputable Jan 19, 2016 54 0 4,660 Jan 19, 2016 #3 Sounds like artifacts, which means gpu is faulty. Also might be PSU related. Was your card working properly before? Upvote 0 Downvote
Sounds like artifacts, which means gpu is faulty. Also might be PSU related. Was your card working properly before?