I just found out that i need a new router since my old wrt54gl can't deliver my new internet speeds(50mbits down 10mbits up). And since i don't want to have to change my router in two years i want to go for a good quality wireless ac router.
After some research i came up with the linsys ea6700 and asus rt-ac66, but i dont know which one is better. The only reason i include the asus is because my local electronic store have a supersale so the price difference is 50$.
So i need to know which one of these delivers the most for the money.
After some research i came up with the linsys ea6700 and asus rt-ac66, but i dont know which one is better. The only reason i include the asus is because my local electronic store have a supersale so the price difference is 50$.
So i need to know which one of these delivers the most for the money.