Linksys Intros New 802.11ac Smart Wi-Fi Routers

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Sounds like a good upgrade coming for my network. I wounder what the prices will look like. Curious about what kind of reviews these will get.
Man, I am so torn as to what to get. My old Linksys wireless G router is ~8 years old now, and finally starting to show signs of beginning to fail (have to reset it every month or so now... I use to only boot cycle it when I moved or had a power outage).

So now the big question is should I get a high end Wireless N device? Or fork over the money for an AC device? Truth be told the only wireless devices I have are our cell phones (I have not touched my netbooks and laptops in a really long time), and they are N... but in 2 years when the cell phones get upgraded they will probably be AC. And if my current wireless device lasted for ~8 years I don't want to be stuck on N for the foreseeable future...

Decisions Decisions....

Anywho, I hope this new gen of Linksys equipment is better than their last gen. Linksys was AWESOME back in the G days, but it seems that ASUS has taken their place for the N era.
unspecified number of USB 3.0 ports (likely two),

This is Linksys! Remember? Don't assume two ports. My EA4500 which was top of the line for N900 routers from Linksys only had one USB2.0 port. I really do not like my EA4500 but it was the only option here in Mexico at $300 from Officedepot. I now wish I would have just bought two cheap TP-link N150(s) instead. My Intel N300 laptop adapters only connect to the Linksys at 20-133Mbps depending on proximity anyways.
Call me old school, but "super-simple" setup usually means more headaches to a sys admin like me. On the other hand, I suppose it's time to finally retire my faithful WRT54G.
[citation][nom]nlreynolds80[/nom]Call me old school, but "super-simple" setup usually means more headaches to a sys admin like me. On the other hand, I suppose it's time to finally retire my faithful WRT54G.[/citation]
Yeah, I hear ya... I'm still using the same thing too... But more and more I've been thinking of setting up an network storage solution which would include wireless devices (my laptop) and I would want more bandwidth for that kind of setup than G would offer. I've seen a few ac devices so far and they've all been super expensive so I'll just stick with G until ac is cheap.

only a fool trusts cisco products. cisco wil have a database of all traffic on your router.
shame on toms for selling this kind of privacy invasion as a feature... "but wait there's more" my @$$
[citation][nom]thecolorblue[/nom] [...] -thursday/only a fool trusts cisco products. cisco wil have a database of all traffic on your router. shame on toms for selling this kind of privacy invasion as a feature... "but wait there's more" my @$$[/citation]
Articles on here are better written and checked than that one...
Also, I'm gonna wait for ad, not like I even need more bandwidth than my current G router Asus WL-520GU. Tomato ftw

Any router supporting ddwrt is a win in my book. Never going back to anything else. It's just too stable and simple!
[citation][nom]sickofthis00[/nom]Articles on here are better written and checked than that one...[/citation]
the article was accurate. Cisco should never be trusted... and since you defend them neither should you.

Here's some more:
AD is for really short distances...Like wireless monitor from your PC. Not out in your back yard on a laptop to your router in your house. AD will make sense for a few things but I don't think for your major network in the house etc. You go to your back yard/deck on AD and you'll get 0 internet and no network connection :)
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