Linksys Routers Getting Infected by "TheMoon" Worm

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Talked with a Linksys rep a few hours ago because I have one of those models. I referenced this Kevin Parrish article and I could tell the rep was looking it up and reading it and then checking with engineering before responding. Apparently, their engineers are working on a solution and "the fix will be ready when it is ready." The lingo the rep used didn't sound all that confident though... Basically, disable the remote management capability and hope for the best for now. Yeeeesh. This problem arises within how many months of Cisco spinning-off Linksys to a different company? I always bought Linksys because the real Cisco stuff was too expensive for the home office but the Linksys stuff was extremely reliable, manageable, secure, etc and what I would have considered "prosumer" grade.
I hate to break it to you but Cisco always treated Linksys as a separate entity. They used the brand name to market Cisco. Now that Belkin owns Linksys hopefully they will get on the ball and get these issues fixed.
Disabling remote management should do the trick just fine. If the router is not listening on the port the worm won't be able to connect to it for certain. I don't understand why would anyone want to enable remote administration for their router in the first place -- it's not like you'll be doing it when not at home. I even disable wireless administration from within the network in case someone cracks the WPA password.
Personally I don't see any reason to have remote manager set to "on" in the first place.... but... people need to understand that anytime you have a piece of computer hardware connected listening for a connection outside of your own network, router, PC, consoles, you invite trouble in. Playing games, surfing the net, they are understandable, but anything that is in your network just waiting for an outside connection requesting a password for an administrative account, is just asking for trouble, I don't even use the Admin account on my desktop or PC, that's what the "run as" is for. Totally different account and password.
I agree with agnickolov disable remote management. If you have a need to remotely manage a router, create a VPN that is inside your network. That is how big companies do it.
Linksys used to be a good company until Cisco got their hands on them. Now they seem to be insecure junk that likes to keep losing their connection every 10 minutes.. I have 2 separate Linksys routers with the exact same issue. Bought a Netgear the third time, haven't had a problem and won't be looking back....
Aiiieeee I say (from what others have written). My Linksys "experience" began when a D-Link 8-port 1Gbps hub (not a switch) kept dropping connections during lengthy (huge file) transfers. So, I went the "pseudo-manageable switch" way with an SRW2024 (which I could afford). It still works perfectly!! I think I bought it back in 2004 and used the LACP (802.11d?) for even faster connections. I hope they get this solved with their router series...
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