Linux compatible motherboard?


Jan 27, 2010
Hi there. I find myself in the unenviable position of having to replace my motherboard (a 1156) and possibly my cpu, if I can't find a reasonably priced 1156 which runs Linux. If I have to get a 1155 or 1150, I will. Can anyone suggest boards that work well with Linux, specifically Ubuntu 14.04?
I agree with reedo, I'm asking a similar question about the LGA 1150 socket with a haswelll refresh CPU.

I know that ASUS has been good, Intel no longer makes desktop boards, and a few other board manufacturers have a history of running well with Linux. Generally speaking, if it has mostly Intel parts:Nic, WiFi, lan, and audio it'll work well, but an all Intel board is damn near impossible to have.

I'd look through Ubuntu's hardware data base and see if (through the wiki) if certain parts on the mother board you are looking to grab have been issues. For example, if the board has a built-in WiFi from garbler blarg inc and the WiFi hardware is ver. 20282015 and is or what have you. Search up the shown version of that hardware and see if Ubuntu has had issues with it in the past.

That's some general information that doesn't answer your question clearly though...

I don't know about the LGA 1156 Socket or motherboards, but I can say that with an LGA 1155 I7-3770K in an ASRock motherboard that it's Linux friendly. I had an old Intel Board before that... In any case, I've run Ubuntu, Linux mint, Arch Linux, Mac OSX Snow leopard, and windows 7 & XP on the damn things with little issue. The Mac osx is an outdated ver. So not sure with current versions if Mac OSX.