Question Linux mint OS, how to install windows 10 OS for gaming

Jan 21, 2024
hey guys,
I installed Linux mint. I'm happy with it everything runs smoother with greater efficiency. How ever when i began installation i failed to understand just how serious the formal prompt was when it asked if i wanted to delete everything or whatever the other option was. Since using windows prior the term (delete everthing) really held no water. So If anyone can provide a guide on how to add windows 10 for gaming it would be a great help.
~i have a 164 gig usb drive
So If anyone can provide a guide on how to add windows 10 for gaming it would be a great help.
~i have a 164 gig usb drive
Didn't quite understand the problem.

If you want to install windows 10, then boot from windows installation media and install windows.
Windows has to be installed on internal drive. External USB drive is not suitable for installing windows onto it.

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Math Geek

remove EVERY drive from your system except the drive for win 10. install win 10 using the tutorial above. once it is up and running with updates, drivers and everything else working as you want it. then and only then plug your other drives back in and set linux as the default boot device in your bios.

select the other drive on boot if you wish to swap over to win 10 for a gaming session.

if you don't have a second drive, then i HIGHLY suggest you invest in one to avoid future issues with partitions and such. 1 and 2 TB ssd's are pretty cheap right now if you find yourself needing to buy one. :)

keeping both os's on the same physical drive is a very bad idea so please please use a second drive for windows
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Jan 21, 2024
I have multiple drives, but I dont see how disconnecting all drives besides one for windows will work. if I disconnect all drives but one for the purpose to install a os how then do i boot with no os. A bit confusing, would you mind breaking that down for me?

when I installed Linux it deleted everything, consequently the windows installation media is damaged

Math Geek

you boot to the windows 10 usb drive you created from the media creation tool. that then sees the single drive available and installs windows to it.

you do this so partitions don't get spread across multiple drives, mixing linux and windows partitions, or having the multiple windows system partitions across multiple drives.

also prevents "accidentally" deleting partitions, losing data, and installing windows to the wrong drive on accident. among about 100 other things that can go wrong with multiple drives installed.

we see 100 threads a day here trying to fix issues that start with installing windows with other drives present. it's worth the couple minutes to disconnect everything and then reconnect them once windows is up and running.
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Jan 21, 2024
you boot to the windows 10 usb drive you created from the media creation tool. that then sees the single drive available and installs windows to it.

you do this so partitions don't get spread across multiple drives, mixing linux and windows partitions, or having the multiple windows system partitions across multiple drives.

also prevents "accidentally" deleting partitions, losing data, and installing windows to the wrong drive on accident. among about 100 other things that can go wrong with multiple drives installed.

we see 100 threads a day here trying to fix issues that start with installing windows with other drives present. it's worth the couple minutes to disconnect everything and then reconnect them once windows is up and running.
awesome thank you for clarifying that. my extra drives aren't connected i have two backed up with linux and three wiped and formatted. I'm a self taught diagnoses layman but will die on the hill. But this was just something fairly simple I initially made the mistake you mentioned and found myself at a local hotel burning linux to a flash drive. Thus giving up on that venture till now! Thanks for all the help.

iso file usb drive, shut down, disconnect 2tb hdd reboot with flash drive, installation media.