[citation][nom]ivan_chess[/nom]True, but there are just too many things that are easier to do in terminal or don't have a GUI component. Just installing packages is usually done with something like apt-get or yum. The first thing the community (or what the average joe will call tech support) tells you to do to fix anything is open a terminal window. Linux just isn't as computer illiterate friendly as it could be.[/citation]
Thats one of the main problems that I have noticed also, I have gotten a few people to try linux, especially when they kept messing up their windows install.
I set up a windows and ubuntu dual boot and none of them could use ubuntu for a length of time. They easily got frustrated when they came to a point when something required command line.
(for all those saying that you don't need to use command line if you don't want to, do not understand that not every bit of code will come in a nice easy to install .deb
you are very likely to get a tar.gz that takes a ton of work in command line to install
Another annoyance is that many command line processes such as installing a program, will require you to do the same things, this is how a tutorial can tell you step by step how to install a tar.gz or other format, you can even copy and paste the commands in and just change the names
If they want more people to use linux then it needs to get rid of the useless work.
For example, if a user fines a awesome new app and it is not a .deb,
when the user double clicks on the tar file or the rpm file or what ever other annoying format is used, it will not provide them with the option to install or run the program.
What the OS needs to do is pop up something like, I see that you are trying to use this tar.gz file, would you like me to install it for you?
linux needs more automation.
Windows and mac are so popular because they do a good job of keeping the users from ever having to touch the command line.
While I have no problem using command line, I would prefer to not have to use it as it requires more button presses and time compared to a GUI where you just click.
For example, there some programs that do not have a GUI and you have to use command line, and you will often see tutorials and forum posts about people trying to get the software to work. it will require multiple commands to be entered.
Then once in a while, someone will make a GUI front end which basically does the command like for you. and then the complaints stop because the user can achieve the same work with far less work.
For example, If I am testing the security of my WPA2 network, to see how short can go with the passwords that I get from GRC, before the password becomes too weak. I can get the app needed to do this and I can type in over 20 commands in order to start the process, or I can install the gui front end and simply select my network from a list, then click on the security type then click start and it does the rest, it turns a 20+ step process into a 3 step process
Windows is popular because probably 99.999% of all programs have a GUI and either run with out even installing from a easy to use exe file or can be installed by simply clicking next a few times.