Liquid cooled 290X hits extremely high VRM1 temps

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Mar 17, 2017
So I need some advice, recently I bought and installed a Kraken G10 + a Corsair H75 and the core temps are nice and frosty, but the VRM1 temps during a vally benchmark crawled up to 127 degrees celcius. I have installed the gelid enhancement kit with the heatsinks for the 290X including the VRM1 heatsinks, but it doesn't seem to make a difference. Is there anything I can purchase to bring the temps down or am I pretty much screwed?Any alternative kits or advice is welcome.

Edit: Also I wouldn't care so much if i was upgrading my gpu, but I don't plan on upgrading it for at least 2 more years or until AMD releases a gpu that can run on the same level as the GTX 1080 ti, so longevity is a must.
Yeah the case fans dropped it from 125 degrees Celsius down to about 80, which is fine considering it was throttling with the stock cooler. I now have it running at 1160/1575. So let this be a future lesson to anyone that thinks case fans aren't THAT important.
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