Liquid cooling setup?


Jul 4, 2013
When I get all of the money together to buy a new gaming pc id like to get liquid cooling with it, but I have no clue where to get the parts for it. Id like a nice looking case with see through tubes and leds, and colored, glowing coolant, and a good radiator. I also need fittings and a pump. If you guys could provide some links for these things or just tell me where I could find them in general , then thatd be great! Any comment would be appreciated 😀
For the same price you get those I linked you. The NZXT one's are higher quality with a sleveed cable and you can also turn them on or off without unpluging them everytime. I would go for nzxt.
CPU Block

Coolant(I don't recommend using colored dye)



Pump and reservoir (both together is easier for beginners)


Fittings(for CPU block and GPU)

GPU waterblock



Case (go NZXT or Corsair you choose, it just needs to support 240mm or 360mm rads)

You could also check for a Watercooling kit wich would be perfect for you, as a beginner in the watercooling world.

By the way Frozen CPU sells to Canada and Ships to canada I live in QC and they have already shipped some stuff to me with no issues.

I understand the radiator, the coolant, the fittings and lighting. I dont get which tubing to get with which fitting. Id like a clear tubing and blue coolant, and some sort of lighting. I dont know which sleeving I should get because Id like my computer to look all neat and tidy. And I dont know what to get to cool the gpu. Im going to get a pny gtx 970 probably. I also dont know which cpu block to get and I dont really want to go spending $500 on just liquid cooling. Id like liquid cooling, just not so expensive. Im going to be getting the corsair 760t case too if that helps anything. My ideal endproduct would be this:

First of all please don't buy colored coolant, most of them create corrosion and this isn't good for the system. Get colored tubing instead. For the CPU block you're going to choose whatever you want.... obviously I like the EK waterblocks, some people prefer swiftech, anyways as I said you can pretty much take whatever you want. For the GPU block I also prefer EK waterblocks, I've seen some temperature drops since I changed the waterblocks on my both R9 290x for EK (7c drop). By the way as I proposed you before the best in you situation would be to buy a water cooling kit as I linked you before. They come with all you need and also come with an installation guide.
So heres what ive got so far:

I still dont know what sleeves, fitting, tubing or lighting I should get. How do I match up the fittings with the tubing? Also, how do those people get that glowing effect for their tubing?

As I said before forget about the colored coolant. Go with colored tubing instead just like this one :

Now for the fittings you gonna wanna use compression fittings like these(choose your color) :

Glowing effects are created by LED's in the waterblock wich are more expensive.
what about sleeving and which size should i get? and does the tubing size matter for the radiator and cpu block holes? also could you give me a link for those leds in the waterblock and explain how it works please?

Here you go for the lighted CPU block. The way it works is that there's an led pointing right into the tubing wich creates a glowing efect.

Please use the tubing size I linked you, this is the regular size using bigger tubing may give you pump problem since there won't be enough pressure into your water loop.

Andddddd for the cable Sleeving :

is there any other cheeper cable sleeving? and do I have to put leds in that cpu block or do they come preinstalled and if they are what color are they?

Please at this point lookup on eBay or amazon, the CPU block comes with the lights pre-installed and they are white, so if you have some blue tubing the glowing effect will be blue.

The interior of the fitting need to fit the inside diameter of the tubing wich is 1/2 for both fittings and tubing I linked you earlier. But that's not all the Exterior tubing also need to fit in the compression fitting wich is 3/4. So the conclusion is that you need 1/2-3/4 for the tubing and the fittings. For the Graphics card you don't really need to water cool it if you don't plan to overclock it. If you want to then I'd tell you to buy some EK waterblocks for it or them depending on your setup

ok, thanks for all the help! i also noticed that there are different versions of the alphacool cpu block. are those different colors or just different performances??

Some of them has higher quality components. When you'll have no more question please don't forget to pick the solution.

are there any of those cpu blocks with blue leds instead of white?

No and anyway you better go with white led's because the glow will be brighter with the blue tube

like led strips or the cathode spectral bar thing. lights to make the case look nice ;D

how are these??