List of incoming DoS attacks to show known malicious IP addresses


Mar 1, 2015
So because of what I do on YouTube, exposing cheaters and hackers in gaming, they often get quite angry at me and attempt to DDoS me if they are even able to acquire my IP. My router and internet are too powerful to even stutter however. Because i am aware someone just tried to attack me once more, I checked the logs in my Netgear just to share with you all the log filled with Malicious IP's so hopefully it can help you in blocking them. Is there anywhere with a list of known DDoS IP's?

Sorry but I've removed that list because I don't believe we should publish it here at Tom's. My concern is that many if not all of those addresses are being used against the owners' knowledge and wishes.

I am putting this up for further discussion with the rest of the Moderation Team and the Community Staff so hang on to your log in case the majority decides your way.

Good decision IMO. I'm not in favour of vigilantism.