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Now we tend to get a lot of US poster herewho whine quite a bit about home ... thats a fact ... but there are a lot of things you probably take for granted ... which we just don't have.

This little acticle from an Aussie journo abroad in the States tends to put it a bit into perspective ... a very positive perspective.

Read it and enjoy ... I was quite stunned at how easy it is to get things done, to get around, at any time.

The sliced mango made me hungry so I am off now ... alas I have to cut it myself though?

How positively rude !!


Nice article. Us Yanks are very fortunate to have the level of convenience, comfort, and freedoms. I agree that a lot of Yanks whine, and given the author's perspective, it's sometimes very hard to understand why a fair number of Americans want more and more from the government.

Nope, most postage stamps are stickers, just peel and stick to your post. They got rid off the licky type stamps years ago...incidentally, they are raising the cost of postage stamps $.01, from $.44 to $.45. Even still, I couldn't get in my car and drive the letter to it's destination anywhere near that cheap.
Since we have so much at our fingertips, why not more? And, all for free?
Dont work?
Theres food stamps
Free health care
Free rent

Now, arent these things supposed to be a right?
How can we expand those in the land of plenty?
Dont want that job?
Go protest
Dont ever want to sully your hands?
Have illegals do it, and when times get tight, the food rots in the fields, as many are too above such work, and if the wages ever reach realty, no illegal will ever work there again.

Tired of the whining
Had a conversation with my mother months ago. She comes from a generation of kids where MY grandparents worked their asses off for these spoiled brats. Now, my generation,( Post 80's) has to clean up the mess you Bast*rds left.

Thanks a bunch.

*goes into corner to whine, complain and cry*
I might be just sorely confused, but how much of the things discussed in that article (at least the important ones), are denied to you in Australia?

You have internet access don't you? Most of the stuff they talked about are gained by having that. You don't have any restaurants that might deliver, anywhere in AU? You don't have access to alternate transportation methods on the chance you don't own a car? The healthcare topic is something that definitely could be different, and I can't speak to it since I've never been down unda.

Maybe I just don't see the connection... the whining we do here in the forums is about how bad our gov't has spiraled down the pooper, and how our citizens have gotten away from personal responsibility and the core beliefs that made this country so great. I don't see any whining about not having any conveniences >.>
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