Local Disk (C:) What are these files ?


Mar 9, 2016
Hey there, as you can see there are 2 files on my C: drive and i believe they are something to do with the registry.


The real question is that is it safe to delete the top 2 folders or leave them alone.

Thanks, Jamie
In most cases, without going through several steps first, those folder will deny access to them. They are fine to leave as they are, but not harmful to delete in most cases. You may see many of these type of folder names in the system, some are needed, and if you want to uninstall things, that uninstaller may look for those directories and fail to uninstall if they are missing. I just leave them alone.

Math Geek

it depends on what is in the folders. often these oddball folders are temp places for installers to unpack before running the installer. these things are fine to delete. it could be other things as well and without seeing what exactly is under the folder, i could not give a definite yes or no answer.
In most cases, without going through several steps first, those folder will deny access to them. They are fine to leave as they are, but not harmful to delete in most cases. You may see many of these type of folder names in the system, some are needed, and if you want to uninstall things, that uninstaller may look for those directories and fail to uninstall if they are missing. I just leave them alone.