Locked cpu under clocked

Saadman Sajid

Jun 14, 2016
Hello people!!
I just figured out something strange! !!!!!!!
My core i3 4150 @3.5 ghz cpu never performs more than 3.46 ghz.....im using thermaltake litepower 550watt and a cpu cooler..i cant remember the model number....but that cooles the cpu well...never reaches 70c....so no problem of thermal throttling and low power...then why this is happening?
I have tried changing motherboard...psu and resetting the bios...but no luck!!! 🙁
Why this is happening and what is the solution?? 🙁 :/
Thanks in advance!

Host CLK setting on your motherboard is 99mhz instead of 100mhz.
That will give CPU clock 3.46ghz instead of 3.5ghz.

Go to BIOS and see if you can change this setting.

Task manager and bios
Like Dunlop says, its nothing to worry about. The 40MHz you're not seeing (if it really is only at 3.46 and it isn't a misread by whatever is giving you this number) is 1.2% out of the whole in terms of clock speed. so if you were getting 60FPS in a game, a 1.2% bump would be an additional .72 frames per second.