Locking Gpu Clock Speeds


Dec 16, 2015
I just bought an msi r9 390 recently and I am wondering if there is anyway to lock the gpu and memory clocks while playing games?

My gpu clock speed moves around a lot while in some games moving from it's top speed at 1040mhz to as low as 800.

I'm far cry 4 the gpu does this while I'm in game but as soon as I pause the game the menu screen shows and my clock speed goes straight to 1040mhz and stays there.

I'm fairly certain it's not another part of my system bottlenecking the gpu.

I just want to be able to lock the clock speed of the card to it's top speed.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
I5 4460 and a seasonic 620 watt.

It's not drawing to much power because I can run it in benchmarks at 100 percent and full clock speed the whole time and it's fine.

It's just in some games it is my understanding that the card slows itself adaptively as a power and heat saving measure and I don't want this to happen.

Thanks man you really helped me ! :)