Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 has obscene inaccurate movement in FIFA 17


Sep 30, 2016
Hey techies,
I use a Logitech Cordless Rumblepad 2 for PC. It doesn't work very well for PC, as it seems to not registering micromovements, and only registers movements at 45 degree angles, which means I can't really control my players, cos if they are about to run outside the field, I want to correct it slightly, not suddenly move 45 degrees. This also makes shooting, passing and tackling inaccurate, which in the end makes the game a pain in the arse to play, and it's frustrating, even if the match is going well for me.

The controller is 10 years old approximately. Is the reason that old technology doesn't function well with new technology?

Thanks in advance!
Did you just put the Rumblepad into use? Or has it been working all along and is just now starting to get in the way of play.

Mechanically, being 10 years old, there is probably some wear and tear related issues developing. Grossly sensitive but not fine enough for the nuances (slight corrections) that you need to play.

Could be that the available drivers are not up to the requirements of current gaming (FIFA 17).

Compare the game controller requirements to the Rumblepad specifications. That may provide some insight.
Did you just put the Rumblepad into use? Or has it been working all along and is just now starting to get in the way of play.

Mechanically, being 10 years old, there is probably some wear and tear related issues developing. Grossly sensitive but not fine enough for the nuances (slight corrections) that you need to play.

Could be that the available drivers are not up to the requirements of current gaming (FIFA 17).

Compare the game controller requirements to the Rumblepad specifications. That may provide some insight.