Logitech G930 or PC360?


Jun 28, 2014
I'm thinking about buying Logitech G930 or Sennheiser PC360 + ASUS XONAR DG. I just can't decide. If I'm buying G930 I'm not buying the sound card.

What I use my headphones for? It's for mostly music and some gaming. I play CS:GO (very casually) and LoL. I don't really care about the microphone. I listen to Taylor Swift and some hiphop. I want the headset with the best sound quality for music. I heard lots of good stuff about both headsets.
What's your motherboard? The integrated audio chip on your motherboard will help determine whether a sound card is worth it.

I use an Asus Xonar DG, and there was a nice quality improvement over the chip in my old motherboard. However, nicer motherboards have better integrated audio and would sound about as good as a Xonar DG. I haven't tested without the Xonar DG on my new board.

The sound chip in the MSI Z87-G45 is the ALC1150, Realtek's best chip. It's supposed to be similar quality to the Xonar DG. I don't think you'll hear a difference on 99% of speakers or headphones.

I don't know which headphones you should use, but I don't think you'll need a sound card either way.