Question Logitech microphone not recognised in Realtek audio console ?


Dec 17, 2017
I bought a logitech c270 camera and it has an inbuilt microphone, i wanted to run that microphone through realtek's audio console to use its noise suppresion feature. But because the built in microphone is using logitech's drivers it doesn't show up on the realtek audio console. Is there any way to change the drivers or trick the system into thinking the microphone is a realtek device? Thank you.


Right click the small speaker icon normally located in the lower right screen corner.

A five item pop-up menu should appear.

Each menu choice leads to any number of audio related windows, tabs, and properties.

Hopefully all that is needed is to configure the system to use the C270 microphone.

First try the troubleshooter.

Then try Open Sound settings and select the Input device.

My system has a Logic Pro 9000 webcam and I have two audio input choices: Microphone (Realtek Audio) and Microphone 9000 [Selected].

Check your selection, make a change if necessary, and test.
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Dec 17, 2017
Right click the small speaker icon normally located in the lower right screen corner.

A five item pop-up menu should appear.

Each menu choice leads to any number of audio related windows, tabs, and properties.

Hopefully all that is needed is to configure the system to use the C270 microphone.

First try the troubleshooter.

Then try Open Sound settings and select the Input device.

My system has a Logic Pro 9000 webcam and I have two audio input choices: Microphone (Realtek Audio) and Microphone 9000 [Selected].

Check your selection, make a change if necessary, and test.
Sadly not even the troubleshooter let me choose the camera's microhpone, i've already tried uninstalling realtek's drivers, logitech's drivers and mix and match to no avail. Any other ideas?


This camera?

Did you manually download the camera's drivers directly via Logitech's website? No third party tools or installers.

Did you also download and install any related Logitech Software options? If so which ones? Double check any configuration settings available therein.

How are you connecting the camera to the computer? USB port or via some USB to TRS adapter? What make and model adapter if any?

Setting "noise suppression" aside for the time being - can you get the c270's microphone to work by any means?

Are you able to test some other known working webcam/microphone on your computer?

Or test the c270 camera/microphone on another known working computer?

Determine if the lack of audio/microphone follows the camera or stays with your computer.
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I may be wrong so please teach me if I'm not. Using the webcam microphone is akin to using a USB headphone mic. This bypasses the motherboard sound card completely thereby negating the use of the Realtek software. Same as using my Corsair headset.


"Using the webcam microphone is akin to using a USB headphone mic. "

I would not necessarily take that as fact. In some cases it might work out more as coincidence or maybe some common hardware or software - just branded with different manufacturer/vendor names. Some manufacturers adhere to the standards. Other manufacturers, for a variety of reasons, establish or create their own proprietary standards.

Some manufacturer's do not always play well together: Microsoft and Apple, perhaps Realtek and Logitech.....

TRS (Tip, Ring Sleeve) has a number of variations. Especially when microphone connectivity is required.


And adding in USB can make things more complicated. Especially with all of various USB connections and standards available.

Still first and foremost, you may be going in circles unless it can be proven that the webcam and microphone both actually work - noise suppression and other such features/functions aside.
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Dec 17, 2017
This camera?

Did you manually download the camera's drivers directly via Logitech's website? No third party tools or installers.

Did you also download and install any related Logitech Software options? If so which ones? Double check any configuration settings available therein.

How are you connecting the camera to the computer? USB port or via some USB to TRS adapter? What make and model adapter if any?

Setting "noise suppression" aside for the time being - can you get the c270's microphone to work by any means?

Are you able to test some other known working webcam/microphone on your computer?

Or test the c270 camera/microphone on another known working computer?

Determine if the lack of audio/microphone follows the camera or stays with your computer.
Yes i downloaded the drivers directly from logitech's website, no third party tools.

No other logitech software, only hardware i have from them is the camera.

Connecting the camera directly to the MOBO's usb port at the back. The motherboard is a B450M-DS3H if it's of any help, i've downloaded the realtek drivers directly from the motherboards website. I also tried uninstalling those drivers and installing standalone realtek drivers and those also didn't work. Reverted back to the motherboard audio drivers.

Yes the camera's microphone works perfectly fine as is, it's just noisy. I have an older microphone plugged in via the pink audio jack on the back of the mobo aswell and that microphone works and is recognized by realtek's audio console.

edit: yes the camera is the one you've linked.


"Just noisy":

Add some description regarding the noise you hear: crackles, static, hum, etc..

Try the following:

If you gently wiggle, twist, bend,the camera's cable from end to, especially at the camera end and the plug end, does that action affect the noise in any way?

If possible use a known working USB extension cable between the camera and computer. The objective being to tighten up or otherwise change the physical connection path between camera and computer. Determine if the noise changes.

Bottom line is that the camera's microphone may simple be low quality or defective in some manner.

Again try the camera on other computers and try other known working (not noisy) cameras or just microphones even on your computer.

The problem could be the camera or the problem could be the current host computer.


Dec 17, 2017
"Just noisy":

Add some description regarding the noise you hear: crackles, static, hum, etc..

Try the following:

If you gently wiggle, twist, bend,the camera's cable from end to, especially at the camera end and the plug end, does that action affect the noise in any way?

If possible use a known working USB extension cable between the camera and computer. The objective being to tighten up or otherwise change the physical connection path between camera and computer. Determine if the noise changes.

Bottom line is that the camera's microphone may simple be low quality or defective in some manner.

Again try the camera on other computers and try other known working (not noisy) cameras or just microphones even on your computer.

The problem could be the camera or the problem could be the current host computer.
The noise is similar to a fan. I'm not assuming the camera is defective, i know it's working as intended and it's simply cheap hardware, i just wanted to clean up the noise with realtek's noise suppression feature because it works well. I know other people that have this camera and it sounds the same on their computers. Again, my issue is realtek's audio console is not recognizing the camera's microphone for me to be able to supress the noise.


I am not sure about how much "cooperation" and "compatibility" you can expect between Realtek, Logitech, and maybe Microsoft sort of in the middle.

There are likely hardware and software differences involved.

A couple of searches did find some Microsoft links regarding noise suppression. Most seemed related to Microsoft Teams.

I also found more generic solutions, For example: sounds while,t causing interference as well.

Not sure what else to suggest.

In the meantime, I will move your thread from Apps and Software to Home Audio.

Fair chance that someone there may have worked through a similar problem during the epidemic while using webcam/microphone to work from home.
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