Question Logitech Optical Mouse M705 sluggish with new Windows 10 HP Envy Desktop


Jan 30, 2016
Ever since I set up my new HP Envy Desktop with Windows 10, my Logitech Optical M705 mouse (a few years old) has been sluggish. I previously used it on a Windows 7 system with no problems. I have cleaned it with alcohol and downloaded current drivers for Windows 10. Sometimes I can't find the pointer, but now the main problem is to move the cursor, I have to keep picking up and setting down the mouse to get the cursor to go where I want it. In other words, it isn't consistently responsive. It worked just fine on my old computer. Any suggestions? Below is my system information.

HP Envy TE01-0xxx
Intel Core i7-9700 3.00 GHz
Windows 10 64 bit
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Does the following link show your mouse?

Have you tried new batteries?

Try a new surface under the mouse (mouse pad).

Try another USB port.

Try using a USB extension cable between computer's USB port and the mouse dongle. Raise the dongle up and way from the computer.

Test another known working mouse on your computer.

Test your mouse on another known working computer.

Determine if the problem follows the mouse or stays with the computer.


Jan 30, 2016
Thank you for your response, and I apologize for my delay in responding.
Yes, the mouse shown in the link is the one I have.
I tried all of the above, and ended up getting a new Logitech mouse, same model, M705. I took apart the old one, used compressed air to clean it out, changed batteries, etc. I decided the mouse was just old and needed to be replaced, although it did work fine on my old Windows 7 system.
Alas, the new mouse is doing the exact same thing. Sometimes it works fine, other times it lags and will not respond quickly.
It seems as though maybe something running in the background may be interfering, because when it is lagging and not responding, I will get an hourglass like the system is trying to do something else. My antivirus is Bitdefender, and it didn't interfere with my Windows 7 setup, so I don't think it's that.
Any thoughts as to what might be slowing it down? It seems like this mouse just doesn't like Windows 10.