Logitech Powerplay health concerns?


Feb 27, 2016
I've been looking at Logitech Powerplay. Something came to mind watching a review of it, do you guys think, or maybe even know, of any health effects that could be caused by Logitech Powerplay over time?

I mean, think about it; Having your hand over a constant electric field for possibly hours a day for a couple, maybe a few years. It just seems like something that might not be the most healthy for your body, I've heard cases of people who have their phone facing them everyday in their pocket in a light shirt or something and just so happen to get cancer years down the road in that exact spot.. Just something to think about.

To be fair, I might just be extremely paranoid, but I would like to ask and see what other people think before buying it, if I even do.. It seems kind of gimmicky anyways.

Speaking of it being gimmicky, I also want opinions on whether or not you think it is worth it, or If I should just get the G703 alone and charge it (I want the G703 for that AMAZING white color) manually.

Thanks in advance!