Logitech z506 front right speaker and bass switch

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Aug 10, 2017
Just picked up a set of Logitech z506 5.1 surround speakers and have had some very odd issues for which i can't find a fix for. First plugged the speakers into my sound blaster Audigy RX slots and thought the issues may have arisen there so i swapped to my on board card but have the same issues. First the middle and front left speakers were swapped (easy solution was to swap them on the rear of the bass problem 1 solved). However my second issue is much more vexing. My right speaker is playing all of the bass noises and my sub woofer is playing all of my right speaker noises resulting in not only directional confusion while gaming but some very expected poor sound quality. All of my sound drivers allow me to swap sub woofer with center speaker but nowhere can i swap right speaker and sub woofer.

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Sounds like you have the sound card ports configured for wrong outputs (or at least not defaults) or you are not connecting the right output to the right input, either from soundcard to the main module or from the sub to the speakers. Outside of a faulty set of speakers, nothing else will cause your issue.

I have everything set at default settings i believe the issue is that the speakers only have 3 input wires and rather than having subwoofer/center, front, rear they have subwoofer/front right, center/front left, rear. All i really need is some software that will let me customize my outputs and switch speakers around unfortunately everything i have found so far just lets me
Swap center and sub.

You really should not need any software outside of what comes with the sound card drivers. Go through the speaker connections and make sure they are on the right ones in the sub as well as from the audio card. Keep in mind your sound card is 7.1 and the speakers are 5.1, there could be something you need to setup with the sound blaster software.
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