1) You shouldn't post your public IP address. There's a small chance hackers could use it to target you. And governments could use it to determine your real identity (if for some reason you're trying to hide). I would suggest deleting the screenshots or editing them to blur out the IP addresses in hops 2 and 3.
2) Your first hop (1 to 2 looks like router to modem) is adding 100 ms of lag. That hop should be 10 ms or less since the devices are right next to each other. Try rebooting both. If that doesn't help, your router is probably overloaded and you should consider upgrading it.
3) Hop 3 looks to be your ISP's local gateway for you. In your first tracert, the times from 1-2 and 2-3 does not change much. But in the second, the time from 2-3 is a lot higher than 1-2. This indicates a possible problem with the connection between your modem and the ISP's gateway. Rebooting your modem may help, but the problem could be at the ISP's end.
4) Your ISP seems to not be very good. It's adding up to an extra 200 ms of lag to intermediate networks along the way to the destination. The IP address range is owned by OGERONET in Lebanon, so there may not be much you can do to improve it. The networks in the less developed areas of the world usually only have one route to the rest of the Internet, so you'll encounter the same problem regardless of which ISP you use. If you've got a friend using a different ISP, you can run tracert to the same server on their computer, and see if their route is any better.
Based on the high at hop 3 to the EU IP address being 285 ms, I'd say there's a good chance the problem is with your modem (especially if you've got a combination modem/router), or in the line between your modem and ISP's gateway. If you've got a neighbor with the same ISP, try running the test from their house and compare with your results. If theirs is much better, then you've definitely got an equipment or line problem to your house. If theirs is the same, then it's likely your ISP just sucks and there's nothing you can do about it.
Edit: For whatever reason your ping times to the NA servers are better than your regional servers. So if possible, you may want to try playing on the NA servers.