Long lost picture in the internet.

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Apr 14, 2016
Hello guys.
Looooong ago (2005-2007) my dad found some Image of a stag sleeping in some tall grass with the viewing angle from the back.
You could only see his neck, ears, head and of course horns.
The horns were black with a white tip..... stop. why am I telling you this... ?
Anyway he downloaded the picture and kept it on a pc that then broke and
so we lost the image.
Now he told me that if I find the image I can get a new guitar so you can imagine how nice it would be for me to find it.
But i've been searching day by day without finding anything so please tell me guys how do I find the picture that was lost so long ago?
(If ur asking he wants the picture to do some sort of drawing...whatever, as long as I get the guitar....)

Ps: can't figure out in which category to put this
And by the way (reading back): The PC that broke - was it a hard drive failure?

Did anyone make any attempts to recover the drive and/or data?

Sort of took that for granted but now not so sure.

instead of looking for the picture use the time to get a job if you are not old enough get odd jobs for people and buy the guitar. At least this goal is a sure bet of getting it.
well I'm fourteen and I don't want suggestions on how to get the guitar using another method. I just want a solution.
But that is a good idea I heard there are some jobs where you can write captchas and get paid but I don't know if I am allowed to work for them with 14.
Still why not try..... we would both benefit, he gets to do his weird painting and I get a guitar it ends well for both.
Plus these "odd" jobs don't pay enough.... I am a fast writer but it would take ages to get that amount of money.
There are way too many pictures to determine which one it is with a simple image search. It's unlikely that you'll find the exact picture again. What I would do, is find several great new images that are similar and present them, try to talk him into a new picture.



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