Long startup time


Nov 4, 2015
I've had this problem for a bit now. When I turn my computer on it will hang anywhere from 0 seconds to 3 minutes before my monitor turns on and it brings me to the Windows login screen. Windows itself loads fast, it just delays getting to that point. When I just turned on my PC to make this thread I tried going into the BIOS to make sure it wasn't trying to boot off USBs or something first(it wasn't) but my monitor wasn't turning on. I have an HDMI going to my TV and I turned that on and switching inputs and of course there's my BIOS screen with my monitor still off.

So I'm thinking it's trying to use my TV as a monitor first even though the TV isn't on and not even enabled as a monitor in my Geforce settings.

Any ideas of how to get this to stop?

i7 4790k ( with high quality air cooler)
Asus Maximus VII Hero MB
Windows 8.1
Weird, well plug both monitors in make your main display as primary display in nvidia settings by right clicking on it. That will get you your bios screen back on your monitor. Are you running raid at all?