Lookign to upgrade my grpahics card


Feb 24, 2015
Model: HP h8-1110t
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2320 CPU @ 3.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
PSU: 300w
GPU: AMD Radeon 6450

Looking to run BF4 and Witcher 2 on max

As for the price range try to keep within $250.

Any suggestions for a GPU?

Thank you so much for the answer! I just wanted to know which R9 model I should get?
A link would be appreciated. 😀

Thank you so much for the answer! I just wanted to know which R9 model I should get?
A link would be appreciated. 😀


Will I be able to run the games on max at 60fps or will need to pay more than this?

Thank you for all of your help, just place th eorder for the EVGA 500b and the Sapphire GPU. Thanks again! Finally! I cna play Alan Wake and the Witcher! 😀