Looking for 4k and 60fps! Do you think this is a good configuration?


May 5, 2014
Hi guys, so i am interested in buying a Destok PC for the las tittles in 4k & 60 fps!, However i am new in this world and i've made a configuration that I think is good, but i want to know what do you think and what would you change.


My first question is about the VideoCard, i did choose the TITAN X 12GB based on the benchmarks of sites like "IGN", but i dont know if i can get better perfomance with a SLI configuration. (I may add in the future another titan to make it SLI and that's where it comes my second question).

My second question is about the board, i have the Razer Tiamat 7.1 and i use them in my laptop with an external soundcard, the question is, does that board has 7.1 sound or do i have to use my external soundcard again? and, does the board allows me to add a second videocard in the future to make it SLI?

My last question is not about the pc but the display, i have 2 options:

Acer XB280HK;



The Acer one does have 4k resolution and G-Sync (From nvidia) as well with the Asus, but the asus doesnt not have a 4k resolution but it got a 144hz refresh rate. Wich one do you think is better for Online Gaming & gaming in general?

And the last and question, does this cable support any of those displays and, does the board have a port for that cable? (i see they are usually bought together).


Thanks already for your asnwers, and i apologize if i've made any mistake, english is not my native language.
Just answering about the video card. It might not be able to run 4k at 60fps, but it will at low or medium settings. You will see a tangible benefit from adding a second card in SLI. With SLI, you should be able to run at 60fps at high or ultra settings.

And what about "normal HD (1920x1080)", it's going to be able to run games in ultra settings?
You can always do 4k via DSR or through ini files on a lot of games, I do it with my 27 inch 144hz 1080p monitor; so you don't necessarily have to get a 4K monitor, but less than 27 inches wouldn't really make sense for 4K since it's kinda harder to tell the difference. Hopefully the quality control on the Rog Swift is better than it was when it came out; if so I'd go for that one and just use DSR when you want 4k.
if i were you i would go Haswell E route with 6 cores, then downgrade the video card to a GTX 980.

You could do 2 980's in SLI for 60 FPS 4K
or 1 980 will do 1080p just fine.. I 970 would do 1080p just fine.

The 980 really streatches its legs at 2560x1400.

so i would probably get the gsync asus ROG monitor with 2560x1400 gsync.
Aspiring techie is correct, you might have issues trying for 60fps with even the mighty TitanX on the Acer or any 4K monitor. All the reviews I have read pretty much state you need two cards (! or more !) to get the higher framrates at high or ultra 4K settings.
That said, both monitors have display port, so that cable will work just fine; but might want to check with the manufacture to see what comes in the box: my Dell U24xx monitors came with a DP cable.
1900 x 1080 or 1900 x1200, or even 2560 x 1440 should play just fine with that card and CPU.
SLI: You will gain substantial frames-per-second when you go SLI and play at the previous mentioned resolutions. You will also gain in 4K, to where you might actually be at 60fps.
Sound: Yep, on board 7.1. Here's a link to Newegg's description of that board.

Only thing I would change is the Storage Set 2: I'd go for a 2GB or more.
Otherwise, nice rig.

980 SLI definitely won't max everything at 4K 60 FPS http://www.guru3d.com/articles_pages/geforce_gtx_980_sli_review,23.html

I'm sorry i ask this but as i am not an expert in this, i have like a "benchmark" in my head when it comes to performance, so, when you say "just fine" that means i would be able to play at 1900x1080 in ultra settings games like Guild Wars 2, GTA V or the Witcher 3 at 60 fps??
