Looking for $700-800 gaming pc build


Jan 5, 2014
Looking for $700-800 gaming pc build, I am not including the case, OS, or anything like a monitor, wifi card, or speakers either.
I play pretty graphics heavy games, skyrim, bioshock series, dead island series, and i'd like to be able to play them on high graphics (I'm going to be getting a 1080p monitor that's a year old from my cousin who just upgraded hers).
If it's at all possible it'd be cool to be able to play those games and record at the same time, though if that's not plausible on a budget like this that's perfectly fine!
Thanks in advance for the help!


I also wouldn't mind overclocking if i get good enough cooling

All of the above is great except for one things, memory should be at least 1600 if not 1866 for optimal performance & a marginal frame rate increase & also reducing bottle necks.

http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Harley_Fochizzle/saved/f8mmP6 there
