trying to stream for fun and also play games like the new battlefield with good fps any idead also i will be streaming games such ass csgo league and halp
My build has an i7, which is ideal for streaming due to the extra cores, a gtx 1060, which will give you 60fps plus at any game (1080p ultra)
Has a 1TB HDD and a 250GB SSD, all in a great case.
16GB of RAM, also ideal for streaming.
And includes an OS, 10$ under budget
The whole build is red and black, gives a good look PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
My build has an i7, which is ideal for streaming due to the extra cores, a gtx 1060, which will give you 60fps plus at any game (1080p ultra)
Has a 1TB HDD and a 250GB SSD, all in a great case.
16GB of RAM, also ideal for streaming.
And includes an OS, 10$ under budget
The whole build is red and black, gives a good look PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
You don't need a gtx 1070 for 1080p on games like CSGO or BF 4. It is much more benefitial hor the OP to go with the i7, since streaming takes up More space when it comes to cores.
My build has an i7, which is ideal for streaming due to the extra cores, a gtx 1060, which will give you 60fps plus at any game (1080p ultra)
Has a 1TB HDD and a 250GB SSD, all in a great case.
16GB of RAM, also ideal for streaming.
And includes an OS, 10$ under budget
The whole build is red and black, gives a good look PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
How many times must I point out that you do not need to purchase a cooler for a locked CPU? Also i7s don't have extra cores. They have extra threads and PCI-e lanes but they do not have extra cores.
I would go for a 1070 build also especially for future monitor upgrades and do something like this:
guys im also wanting to find a monitor i currently have a Acer G226HQ 60hz 21.5 inch monitor if you guys can add a specific monitor or a better one please do and appreciate all you guys are doing for me
guys im also wanting to find a monitor i currently have a Acer G226HQ 60hz 21.5 inch monitor if you guys can add a specific monitor or a better one please do and appreciate all you guys are doing for me
Is monitor included in the budget or are you buying that separately? How much do you want to spend on said monitor?