Looking for a basic CPU cooler that will fit my ram


Mar 4, 2014
Hello people quick question.

I have an Asus P8B75-M Motherboard, I have all 4 ram slots filled with G.Skill Sniper ram, it stands 42mm tall with the heatsink. Now with the intel stock cooler on my i7 3770 fits the ram just fine.

I was wondering if this CPU Cooler would fit with the 4 ram slots (Arctic Cooling Alpine 11 pro Rev. 2)

http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=14368 - Link to the CPU cooler.

So yeah all I am wondering if this would fit the ram. I have had a look at the measurements, but I am still not 100% sure, or if there is any other cpu cooler out there that would fit (budget is $60 AUD)

It depends on your memory modules, the TX3 EVO clears the RAM in my system. I use G.SKILL Sniper Series 8GB: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231460&cm_re=G.SKILL_Sniper_Series-_-20-231-460-_-Product and I can insert or remove the module closest to the cooler without issues.
That cooler should fit, granted it really doesn't look like it'd make a big difference from the stock cooler. Perhaps I'm just giving the old school style too little credit.

I say it should fit because it doesn't really extend from the CPU socket much at all. The RAM should have plenty of clearance.
I presume you need a new cooler because the stock cooler is defective because the Arctic Cooling Alpine 11 Pro Rev. 2 is not better than the stock cooler. If you need a small cooler that's better, then you should check the Coolermaster Hyper TX3.

Its mainly more for the reason that having 4 sticks of high profile ram, (42mm tall) Most cpu coolers dont have the clearance

Considering my ram is very close to the CPU, I dont think the Hyper TX3 will fit, or is there anyway to work around it not hitting the ram?
It depends on your memory modules, the TX3 EVO clears the RAM in my system. I use G.SKILL Sniper Series 8GB: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231460&cm_re=G.SKILL_Sniper_Series-_-20-231-460-_-Product and I can insert or remove the module closest to the cooler without issues.