Looking for a black or blue 120mm case fan


Jun 8, 2014
this is my case,

what would be a good 120mm fan to put on the bottom of the case, pointing up. I plan on getting a gtx970 so i was wanting to add a little more air flow directly onto the card.

Thanks for the sugestions!

Im sorry, but I was really looking for a fan without LED's, just a black, or blue fan with good airflow, some noise is ok.

that is an nice looking fan though. i think i might just get it. how would I keep the LED's from coming on? my case has a fan controller and led switch built in, but im not sure if i can add fans to the controller or not.

These would be me second suggestion to you, the Cooler Master JetFlo 120http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835103193&cm_re=cooler_master_jetflo-_-35-103-193-_-Product


Now i really like that! what about a 140mm pwm fan for the rear exhaust?

Yea sure why not, any preference on how many CFM and RPM the fan has?

i guess similar to the coolmaster jetflo, id like to have one of those in 140mm but cant find one

Yea sadly they dont have those in 140mm, but how about the next best thing? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835345069

ok, i think im gonna go with these two, thank you for your help.
sorry for all the questions, but just curious. Would that bitfenix 140mm fan fit on my Noctua cpu cooler?

Yea I think it might, it doesnt you can always use zipties to tie fan around the cooler. Thats what i did with my brothers CPU Cooler and a Scythe Ultra Kaze <---These fans are a beast, but the make a lot of noise.

i thnik if i can find a 140mm fan that has 120mm screw holes, i could get it to work