Looking For A Cheap 144Hz Monitor


Oct 6, 2015
So I've been using this basic 60Hz monitor for a year now and I've decided it's time for an upgrade. Right now I'm looking at this monitor-https://www.amazon.com/VG248QE-1920x1080-144Hz-Gaming-Monitor/dp/B00B2HH7G0/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1475342808&sr=8-2&keywords=1080p%2B144hz%2Bmonitor&th=1 Would this be okay?
Graphics Card- Asus Strix 750TI http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16814121896 (Soon to be upgraded to a RX 480)
I have that model Asus (VG248QE) and I love it, massive improvement over 60hz. The only "issue" I had was the colors were a bit off but gradually got better over a few days of use and now is perfect. Make sure your using the included DVI cable or a DisplayPort cable as HDMI won't support that high of a refresh rate.

Yeah I'll just order this one then. My graphics card only supports display port though for 144hz... I read somewhere in the reviews of this monitor that it's not working for some people... That's kinda a concern but I guess I can just return it if that's the case...


Yeah... I'm going to buy a Display port cable along with the monitor...